Two goals characterize the present contribution: First, the development of a numerical approach for determining the properties of the material microstructure, and second, the shift of the focus of the inverse analysis from investigating a purely elastic material toward the parameter identification related to heterogeneous inelastic materials. As a rule, the constitutive laws in this case involve a greater number of material parameters the determination of which requires different kinds of tests.
Material modelThe model proposed incorporates three important properties of curing polymers: the time-dependency of material parameters, the material incompressibility and the viscous effects. In order to achieve these goals, firstly, the free energy density is supposed to be a sum of an equilibrium and a non-equilibrium part:Here, the first part corresponds to the elastic deformations and the second part is caused by the viscous effects. Such a split of the energy is enabled by assuming the multiplicative decomposition of the total deformation gradient F into an elastic F e and a viscous part F v , which is the standard step in the theory of finite deformations: F = F e · F v . In order to avoid the volume locking by simulating the incompressible material behavior, both energy parts are furthermore decomposed into a volumetric and a deviatoric part as proposed by Simo, Taylor and Pister [1]Here, u denotes the deformation, θ is the volumetric change, p is the hydrostatic pressure, C the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor and J = detF is the Jacobian. Notations "dev" and "vol" indicate the deviatoric and volumetric parts of different quantities. An essential difference between the assumptions (2) and (3) is the time-behavior of material parameters: These are time-dependent in the equilibrium part but time-independent in the non-equilibrium part. As a consequence, the constituents of the equilibrium part of the energy density are assumed in the form of convolution integrals [2-5]where C dev (t) = 4andare the deviatoric elasticity tensor and the bulk modulus defined in terms of strain energy densities Ψ dev and Ψ vol .For the chosen setup, an analysis of the thermodynamic consistency yields the expression for the evolution of viscous deformations. In the present contribution, the solution proposed by Reese and Govindjee [6] is used for this purpose:. Here, T = T (t) represents the relaxation time. It is a time-dependent parameter, which indirectly causes the time-dependency of the non-equilibrium part of the strain energy density.
Numerical procedure for the parameter identificationThe numerical approach proposed for the purpose of parameter identification uses the combination of the Levenberg-Marquardt method and the multiscale FEM [7]. The former is a gradient-based method coupling the advantages of the steepest descent method and of the minimization of the Taylor approximation of a function. On the other hand, the multiscale FEM is a numerical homogenization method such that the coupling of the macroscopic and micros...