An improved procedure for polypeptide analysis of radiolabeled antigens resolved by crossed immunoelectrophoresis and its application to the study of inner and outer membranes of Escherichia coliAn improved procedure is described for polypeptide analysis of radiolabeled antigens resolved by crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE). The method involves detection of immunoprecipitates by autoradiography of CIE gels dried onto filter paper. This modification allows selected segments of immunoprecipitate arcs to be excised with a high degree of precision. Radiolabeled antigens are extracted from excised precipitates by incubation at 60 "C in Laemmli sample buffer, and polypeptides are visualized by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis performed in conjunction with autoradiography or fluorography. Protein antigens ofthe bacterial outer membrane are shown to retain (in part) their properties of heat-modifiability following drying and extraction, thus facilitating their identification. The procedure is applied to the analysis of fourteen membrane-associated antigens of Escherichiu coli and results in the identification of the ompFIC and the ompA gene products, and the resolution of two novel heterooligomeric outer membrane protein antigens. The polypeptide composition of four previously uncharacterized inner membrane antigens is also establishedh additon, six antigens which had been characterized by other unrelated methods as common protein antigen, P-galactosidase, adenosine-5'triphosphatase, dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, D-lactate dehydrogenase and the Ipp gene product (the Braun lipoprotein) are shown to possess polypeptide profiles which confirm the initial identification. Evidence is also presented to support the thesis that the bound form of the Ipp gene product can associate with other proteins ofthe outer membrane.
I IntroductionArguably the best characterized antigenically of all bacterial membrane systems is that of the model Gram-negative microorganism Escherichia coli [ 11. The cell envelope of this bacterium has been extensively examined by crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE), and complex CIE reference immunoprecipitate profiles have been established [2-51. For membrane vesicles prepared from aerobically grown E. coli ML308-225, over 50 antigens have been resolved by CIE [3, 41. Of these, many have been identified in functional terms by using techniques such as enzyme (zymogram) stains [3, 4, 6-91, by analyzing for the presence of characteristic (radiolabeled) co-factors such as 59Fe and ['4Clflavin [6, 81, by utilization of mutants lacking specific gene products I1,4,81, through the use ofpurified antigens or monospecific sera [4,7, 101 and by charge-shift effects 141. Theorganization within the vesicle membrane of 17 of its major antigens has also been established by progressive immunoadsorption experiments conducted with intact, inverted and disrupted membrane vesicles [3, 11, 121. Despite this degree of characterization, many important antigens of the E. coli envelope remain unide...