Fumonisins are structurally related mycotoxins produced by the mold Fusarium moniliforme, which is the most common fungal contaminant of com. Fumonisin (FB 1 ) is the most abundant of the fumonisins produced by F. moniliforme. The fumonisins cause encephalomalacia in horses 11 and pulmonary hypertension with pulmonary artery medial hypertrophy and right ventricular hypertrophy in swine, 4,21 are hepatotoxic in most animal species 3,[8][9][10]14,24 and carcinogenic in rats 6 and possibly people, 22 and are nephrotoxic in rats and rabbits. 8,24 Swine also exhibit altered myocardial function when exposed to fumonisins, and porcine cultured endothelium exhibits disruption of barrier function when FB 1 is present. 7,21 Previously, cattle fed fumonisins experimentally for short periods of time to determine the effects exhibited only minimal hepatic and immune function changes. 14,15 Cattle in feed lots are fed large quantities of corn for weight gain and occasionally develop pulmonary hypertension and congestive heart failure even at altitudes that are not usually considered a risk for pulmonary hypertension. This experiment was conducted to determine if cattle develop pulmonary hypertension in response to consumption of fumonisins for prolonged periods of time at altitudes that are not usually associated with pulmonary hypertension in cattle.Fusarium moniliforme was prepared as previously described. 26 The F. moniliforme culture material was ground to a fine powder and analyzed for FB 1 by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) as previously described. 27 The culture material contained 5,500 mg FB 1 /kg. This F. moniliforme culture material was mixed with com lacking FB 1 , and the resulting mixture was reassayed. The average fumonisin B 1 , B 2 , and B 3 levels in the final corn mixture fed to cattle was 328 FB 1 , 89 ppm FB 2 , and 23 ppm FB 3 .Five Holstein steers weighing 86-127 kg were individually housed in pens enclosed in an unheated barn and fed either alfalfa/grass mixed hay and rolled corn (group A) or alfalfa/grass mixed hay and corn mixed with fumonisin culture material (group B). Cattle were purchased after being weaned, allowed to acclimate to the environment, and fed corn at an increasing amount over a period of 7 days to a final consumption level of 0.72% of body weight once daily in all calves. Following 1 week of dietary acclimation, group A cattle were fed rolled corn at the same rate as group B calves. Group B calves were acclimated to the fumonisincontaminated corn over a period of 7 days by blending on treated corn and fumonisin-contaminated corn until after 7 Received for publication February 10, 1998. days the diet was entirely fumonisin-contaminated corn fed at the rate of 0.72% of body weight. Cattle were weighed weekly throughout the experiment, and the amount of corn fed to each calf was adjusted accordingly. Because only minimal effects were evident in the fumonisin-fed cattle, the amount of corn fed group A and B calves was slowly increased over 7 days to 1.07% of body weight,...