AMPA receptors are glutamate-gated cation channels assembled from GluA1-4 subunits and have properties that are strongly dependent on the subunit composition. The subunits have different propensities to form homomeric or various heteromeric receptors expressed on cell surface, but the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Here, we examined the biochemical basis for the poor ability of GluA3 subunits to form homomeric receptors, linked previously to two amino acid residues, Tyr-454 and Arg-461, in its ligand binding domain (LBD). Surface expression of GluA3 was improved by co-assembly with GluA2 but not with stargazin, a trafficking chaperone and modulator of AMPA receptors. The secretion efficiency of GluA2 and GluA3 LBDs paralleled the transport difference between the respective full-length receptors and was similarly dependent on Tyr-454/Arg-461 but not on LBD stability. In comparison to GluA2, GluA3 homomeric receptors showed a strong and Tyr-454/Arg-461-dependent tendency to aggregate both in the macroscopic scale measured as lower solubility in nonionic detergent and in the microscopic scale evident as the preponderance of hydrodynamically large structures in density gradient centrifugation and native gel electrophoresis. We conclude that the impaired surface expression of homomeric GluA3 receptors is caused by nonproductive assembly and aggregation to which LBD residues Tyr-454 and Arg-461 strongly contribute. This aggregation inhibits the entry of newly synthesized GluA3 receptors to the secretory pathway.␣-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors are tetrameric ligand-gated ion channels that mediate fast excitatory neurotransmission in vertebrate brain (1, 2). The functional properties of AMPA receptors, including channel kinetics, ion permeability, ligand pharmacology, and regulation, are determined by the subunit composition. AMPA receptors are built from four subunit types (GluA1-4), each expressed as multiple alternatively spliced and/or RNA-edited variants. Studies with native and recombinant receptors indicate that receptor assembly is not random but strongly favors certain subunit combinations (3, 4). The majority of native AMPA receptors are heteromers of edited GluA2 subunits with GluA1 or GluA3 subunits, forming channels that are impermeable to Ca 2ϩ and showing a linear current-voltage (I-V) relation (3, 5, 6). Minor native populations of homomeric AMPA receptors are formed by GluA1 or GluA4 subunits to produce inwardly rectifying and Ca 2ϩ -permeable channels (7,8).At present, the molecular logic underlying the formation and cellular processing of specific subunit assemblies in AMPA receptors is still poorly understood. The oligomerization is initiated by formation of dimers between N-terminal domains (NTD) 5 of nascent receptor polypeptides in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) followed by interactions involving the transmembrane segments and the ligand binding domains (LBD) (9 -11). The relative strength of NTD contacts can partly explain the strong prefe...