Label-free identification of amino acids (AAs) based on superspecific transfer RNAs (tRNAs) and amino-acyl tRNA synthetase (AARS) is explored. Molecules of a specific AA, a tRNA and its cognate AARS, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from a reservoir are confined to a micro-sized cavity by hydraulic pressure to counter the effects of diffusion. In this confined space a cognate tRNA in the cavity gets charged with AA and adenosine monophosphate (AMP) is released. The products are transferred to an electrolytic cell with a nanopore where AA, AMP, and ATP cause current blockades of different sizes. If an AMP-sized blockade occurs it means that a tRNA molecule has been charged with AA, this identifies AA; otherwise the procedure is repeated with a different tRNA and AARS until AA is identified. Unlike in most other nanopore-based methods, there is no need for precise measurement of current blockade levels. The efficacy of the procedure is assessed by simulating the movement of particles in a reservoir-cavity structure and analyzing the blockades that occur in the nanopore. In the former the probability of reactants escaping the cavity is found to be near 0. In the latter the probability of an error in identifying an AMP blockade is found to be less than 10% in the worst case (which occurs with the largest volume AA, namely Tryptophan). Detailed information and data are provided in a Supplementary File.