The PIWI-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway preserves genomic integrity by repressing transposable elements (TEs) in animal germ cells. Among PIWI-clade proteins in Drosophila, Piwi transcriptionally silences its targets through interactions with cofactors, including Panoramix (Panx) and forms heterochromatin characterized by H3K9me3 and H1. Here, we identified Nxf2, a nuclear RNA export factor (NXF) variant, as a protein that forms complexes with Piwi, Panx, and p15. Panx-Nxf2-P15 complex formation is necessary in the silencing by stabilizing protein levels of Nxf2 and Panx. Notably, ectopic targeting of Nxf2 initiates co-transcriptional repression of the target reporter in a manner independent of H3K9me3 marks or H1. However, continuous silencing requires HP1a and H1. In addition, Nxf2 directly interacts with target TE transcripts in a Piwidependent manner. These findings suggest a model in which the Panx-Nxf2-P15 complex enforces the association of Piwi with target transcripts to trigger co-transcriptional repression, prior to heterochromatin formation in the nuclear piRNA pathway. Our results provide an unexpected connection between an NXF variant and small RNA-mediated co-transcriptional silencing.
The EMBO JournalKensaku Murano et al F Density plots for normalized H3K9me3 ChIP-seq signals over the consensus sequence from mdg1, gypsy (targeted by Piwi-piRNA, orange), and roo (not targeted by Piwi-piRNA, blue) TEs in EGFP-, Piwi-, Panx-, and Nxf2-KD OSCs. G Boxplots as in (D) showing fold changes in the H3K9me3 levels of Piwi-piRNA-targeted and un-targeted TEs upon the indicated KD. H Northern blotting for Idefix-piRNA, traffic jam (tj)-piRNA, and esiRNA sl-1 (control) on total RNA isolated from OSCs with the indicated KD.