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MEDICATION COMPLIANCE AFTER RENAL TRANSPLANTATION1 L u k a s B. H ilb r a n d s ,2 A n d r ie s J. H o itsm a , a n d R o b e r t A.P. K o e n e
Department ofMedicine} Division of Nephrology, University Hospital Nijmegen, NL-6500 HB Nijmegen, The NetherlandsNoncompliance is known to be an important cause of late graft failure after renal transplantation. We inves tigated prospectively the degree of compliance with immunosuppressive and antihypertensive drugs dur ing the first year after renal transplantation by monthly pill counts. In addition, we examined whether noncompliance was related to a number of demographic and clinical variables or to the occur rence of rejections. The study population consisted of 127 patients who were involved in a randomized trial comparing cyclosporine monotherapy with azathioprine-prednisone treatment. Average compliance rates approximated 100%, although considerable vari ability within and between subjects was observed. Us ing an arbitrary lim it to classify patients as compliers or noncompliers, the following frequencies of noncom pliance were observed during the study year: cyclo sporine, 23%; azathioprine, 13%; prednisone, 23%; atenolol, 36%; and nifedipine, 32%. Average compli ance scores for all im m unosuppressive drugs were su perior to those of antihypertensive m edication (P< 0.001). Except for a better com pliance for pred nisone in men as compared w ith wom en, w e found no consistent relationship betw een com pliance on the one hand and several dem ographic variables, graft function, or quality of life on the other hand. Patients who developed one or more acute rejection episodes showed a higher degree of under com pliance, espe cially for prednisone, than patients w ithout rejections (P<0.01). Following the occurrence of a rejection epi sode, compliance scores im proved significantly.Keeping in mind the lim itations of the p ill count method, we conclude that noncom pliance w ith immu nosuppressive drugs is not a huge problem during the first year after renal transplantation. H ow ever, it is likely that noncom pliance contributes to a certain number of acute rejection episodes.Noncompliance with the therapeutic regimen is considered to be a major cause of graft failure after (organ) transplan tation (1-5). Accordingly* efforts to encourage adherence to the medical regimen are regarded as an important aspect of posttransplant patient management (4,5). However, detailed data on the extent of medication noncompliance and on fac tors associated with it in renal transplant patients are scarcely available.We examined medication compliance during the first year after renal transplantation by use of the pill count method, looking for an answer to the following questions: (1) What is the extent of noncompliance with immunosuppressive and antihypertensive drugs after renal transplantation? (2) Can the level of noncompliance be predicted from demographic or cli...