RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe ability of transition metals to stabilize electron-deficient species such as carbenes, nitrenes, phosphinidenes [ 11, or other types of highly reactive organic or inorganic species is now well established. Less often, it has been shown that a similar role could be played by heavier main group elements. For example, sulfenylnitrenes [2] or phosphanylnitrenes [3] can be relatively stable. Here, we report that the [bis(diisopropylamino)-phosphanyl](trimethyIsilyl)carbene 2 is an isolable compound possessing the characteristics of a normal carbene and of a polarized A5-phosphaacetylene. We also show that the precursor of this compound, namely the [bis(diisopropylamino)phosphanyl](trimethylsilyl)diazomethane 1, is an excellent building block for the synthesis of the first stable nitrilimine 3.Diazo compounds are classical precursors of carbenes. Although diazo-A5-phosphorus derivatives are well documented [4], as far as we know, no examples of molecules possessing a diazo group bonded to a A3-phosphorus atom have been reported before our work [5,6]. This class of compounds, like phosphane azides, could have been very unstable due to possible intermolecular reactions of the diazo moiety with the phosphorus lone pair [7]. Taking into account the observed stability of the bis(diisopropy1amino)phosphane azide [3, 81 we chose to prepare the (trimethylsilyl)[bis(diisopropylamino)phosphanyl]diazomethane 1. 'Treatment of the lithium salt of (trimethylsily1)diazomethane [9] with a stoichiometric amount of bis(diisopropy1amino)chlorophosphane [ 101 led to the desired product 1 in 85% isolated yield (Scheme 1).