Methylaluminoxane (MAO)/silyl halide-based initiator systems greatly improve the sustainability of isobutene (IB)polymerizations by eliminating halogenated solvents, reducing energy consumption and removing the need for postpolymerization purifi cation. These solvent-free systems give rise to moderate yields of high-molecular-weight (MW) polymers at convenient temperatures without conventional toxic solvents. In addition, facile separation of MAO and polyisobutene (PIB) was accomplished with supported MAOs. The resulting system gave enhanced activity and high yields of medium-to-high-MW polymer at temperatures up to ambient. The MW-temperature profi le for MAO-based systems approximates that for γ-radiation and perfl uoroarylated Lewis acid-based systems; however, the former does not require high-purity monomer and is more economical and easily scalable. Modeling experiments involving 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene indicate that silyl halides undergo ligand-exchange type reactions with MAO where halogen attached to silicon is replaced with a methyl substituent from MAO with concomitant production of chloraluminoxane and initiation of cationic polymerization in an ill-defi ned manner.
IntroductionCationic polymerization 1-3 is a useful technique for the synthesis of a number of important materials including terpenic resins 4 and isobutene (IB)-based polymers. 5 From the standpoint of green chemistry, 6 this methodology has a number of inherent limitations that have proven diffi cult to surmount. Historically, the inverse relationship between polymer molecular weight (MW) and temperature (T) has necessitated energy intensive cooling for the synthesis of high-MW products. 7,8 Another challenge is that the Lewis acid (LA) coinitiators commonly used as a component of the initiator system remain trapped inside the product mixture. This combined with the hydrolytic instability of most LAs 9-11 precludes recycling of the coinitiator, adds post-polymerization purifi cation steps (requiring a larger plant footprint) and generates waste. Finally, given the ionic nature of the species involved in cationic polymerization, most systems only operate effi ciently in polar solvents, which are often halogenated (e.g. methyl chloride) and ultimately toxic and detrimental to the environment. 12Although numerous advances have been made over the years in improving the MW-T profi le for IB polymerizations, the majority of these systems require expensive initiator systems, solvents/monomers of ultrahigh purity and temperatures below −20°C. 13-46 Thus, a longstanding goal has been the development of initiator systems capable of producing high-MW polymers at temperatures closer to ambient in neat monomer or aliphatic solvents of moderate purity, while using a low cost and/or recyclable LA coinitiator that does not contaminate the product. Recently, a number of reports have appeared on the use of alkylaluminoxane coinitiators for the synthesis of high-MW grades of IB polymers at elevated reaction temperatures. 47-51 Of these, the most promising...