Abstract:Reading comprehension is the ability to read the text, process it and understand its meaning.Some children with reading disability struggle with the basic reading skill like decoding words and consequently, comprehending the text. Others, however, face difficulties in comprehending the text, while their word reading skill is quite normal. While the simple view of reading suggests that reading comprehension is an interactive effect of word decoding and listening comprehension (RC = LC × D), it does not explain the phenomenon completely. Vocabulary, word knowledge and various cognitive processes, on the other hand, appear to be contributing importantly towards the reading comprehension skill of children. Remediation of these difficulties, therefore, is barely essential. Several remedial programmes have been developed for the purpose, but the most effective ones are the cognitive-based remedial programmes. Such programmes not only bring about improvement in the required skills of reading but also the underlying cognitive processes that ultimately enable these children to profit from normal classroom instructions.