Psychology graduate programs actively recruit Latino students. Nonetheless, Latino students remain a minority in their classes, clinical training programs, and professions. Given the paucity of Latino faculty, Latino students are often asked early in their training to instruct others about their culture. Thus, Latino students' professional development can include premature responsibility, role reversal, and isolation. This process reenacts the syndrome of the parentified child, a situation possibly familiar to the graduate Latina(o) student's personal experience. Recommendations are proposed to attend to this process.Resumen: Programas de post-grado en psicología reclutan estudiantes Latinos de manera activa. Sin embargo, estudiantes Latinos continúan siendo una minoría en sus clases, programas de entrenamiento, y profesiones clínicas. Dada la escasez de profesores Latinos, a estudiantes Latinos se les pide seguido al inicio de su entrenamiento que instruyan a otros sobre su cultura. Por lo cual, el desarrollo profesional de estudiantes Latinos puede incluir responsabilidades prematuras, inversión de papeles, y aislamiento. Este proceso re-vive el síndrome del niño parentificado, una situación posiblemente familiar en la experiencia personal del estudiante graduado Latina(o). Se proponen recomendaciones para atender a este proceso.
The Professional SelfPsychology graduate school requires a migration away from the undergraduate multidisciplinary "universe" of a university setting to one of greater specificity. During the academic portion of training, clinical placements allow for the application of learned theory and guidance comes by way of clinical supervision. In fact, it is largely felt that most learning occurs 64