Existing models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) find it very difficult to get a Higgs of mass lighter than m t . Consequently, in light of the LHC discovery of the ∼125 GeV Higgs, such models face a significant obstacle. Moreover, with three generations those models have a superheavy cutoff around 10 17 GeV, requiring a significant fine-tuning. To overcome these twin difficulties, we propose a hybrid framework for EWSB, in which the Higgs mechanism is combined with a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio mechanism. The model introduces a strongly coupled doublet of heavy quarks with a mass around 500 GeV, which forms a condensate at a compositeness scale Λ about a few TeV, and an additional unconstrained scalar doublet which behaves as a "fundamental" doublet at Λ. This "fundamental"-like doublet has a vanishing quartic term at Λ and is, therefore, not the SM doublet, but should rather be viewed as a pseudo-Goldstone boson of the underlying strong dynamics. This setup is matched at the compositeness scale Λ to a tightly constrained hybrid two Higgs doublet model, where both the composite and unconstrained scalars participate in EWSB. This allows us to get a good candidate for the recently observed 125 GeV scalar which has properties very similar to the Standard Model Higgs. The heavier (mostly composite) CP-even scalar has a mass around 500 GeV, while the pseudoscalar and the charged Higgs particles have masses in the range 200-300 GeV. 1 One possible way out, which we will not consider here, is that the lightest scalar state is the pseudoscalar associated with DEWSB (see e.g., [5]), since its mass does not receive large corrections from loops of the heavy fermions and thus can, in principle, be held small without fine-tuning. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 89, 035012 (2014) 1550-7998=2014=89(3)=035012 (8) 035012-1