Narcissistic pathology is difficult to assess in psychological testing of children and adults. Contemporary psychoanalytic diagnosis is based on Freud's (1915) metapsychological points of view and A. Freud's (1965) developmental profile, as in Schafer's (1954) Rorschach approach and Bellak's (1986) system for the Thematic Apperception Test and Children's Apperception Test. Bellak (1986) provided an analysis of the relation of the ego (self-concept characteristics of the main hero, conception of the world, interpersonal object relations, defense mechanisms, and 12 ego functions), id (thematic analysis, needs, anxieties, and significant conflicts), and superego. A case example of narcissistic pathology in a young child's Children's Apperception Test demonstrates this method of psychoanalytic diagnosis. Neurotic conditions have been extensively studied in the projective test literature. The past decade has witnessed a revival of psychoanalytic studies of Rorschach test characteristics of patients with the preoedipal condition of borderline pathology (