The term 'muddy flood' has been used widely in the lowland, arable areas of western and central Europe to describe muddy runoff from arable fields that causes damage to property. There is some evidence that muddy floods are much more frequent in the last two decades than previously. It is clear though that there is very substantial under-reporting of the phenomena even in areas where they have been recognised for 20 years e.g. UK and France. Reconstructions based on questionnaires, news media and local authority records have had some success in historical analysis of muddy flood frequency but there is still a huge data deficiency. Records from some countries are woefully lacking e.g. Germany, Spain and Italy.Costs of muddy flooding are substantial especially in the loess belt of Belgium. The number of properties flooded in France suggests also that costs are high; similarly in England (UK) where costs for case studies are known but not for the country as a whole.There are two quite different solutions to the problem of muddy flooding. Protection can be provided by engineering devices: retention ponds, dams, trenches. This is an 'end of pipe' solution with severe cost implications and risks with regard to the design return period. Alternatively, land use change on relatively small areas of catchments, can be shown to be effective at reducing flood-risk hazard. A combination of the two has proved most effective at several sites in Europe.