DOI: 10.1038/nrn1768
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The neural basis of human moral cognition

Abstract: Moral cognitive neuroscience is an emerging field of research that focuses on the neural basis of uniquely human forms of social cognition and behaviour. Recent functional imaging and clinical evidence indicates that a remarkably consistent network of brain regions is involved in moral cognition. These findings are fostering new interpretations of social behavioural impairments in patients with brain dysfunction, and require new approaches to enable us to understand the complex links between individuals and so… Show more

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Cited by 788 publications
(745 citation statements)
References 132 publications
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“…13,46 Moreover, the bvFTD phenotype does not differentiate between the subgroup of FTD patients with predominantly frontal disease and predominantly temporal disease. Recent work has associated social knowledge more prominently with right anterior temporal regions, 20,47 although resource-dependent social functioning may be mediated more by the right frontal lobe. It may be that patients participating in studies are not equated in the burden of frontal and temporal disease.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…13,46 Moreover, the bvFTD phenotype does not differentiate between the subgroup of FTD patients with predominantly frontal disease and predominantly temporal disease. Recent work has associated social knowledge more prominently with right anterior temporal regions, 20,47 although resource-dependent social functioning may be mediated more by the right frontal lobe. It may be that patients participating in studies are not equated in the burden of frontal and temporal disease.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…These cognitive and emotional empathic changes in our bvFTD sample are consistent with extensive literature based on clinical lesion analysis, functional brain imaging, and connectional anatomy in nonhuman primates, indicating that the prefrontal regions are involved in cognitive and emotional processing, and, quite likely, complex integration of cognition and emotion. 20,23,53,5862 …”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…A large body of evidence shows a prominent role for this area in social cognitive functions such as theory of mind, empathy, moral reasoning and social decision making. 28,[50][51][52] In addition, vmPFC has been strongly implicated in explicit emotion regulation, particularly when subjects utilize an egocentric strategy. 53 Aberrant serotonin signalling in medial PFC is implicated impulsive decision making, 54 and deleterious changes in reward-based decision making and social behavior, including impulsive violence, are seen following damage to vmPFC in humans.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Cependant, à ce jour, la relation entre nos choix comportementaux et les jugements qui semblent les précéder n'a pas été étudiée par les neurosciences cognitives. Pourtant, il existe des arguments en faveur d'une dissociation cognitive et [13,14]. À l'opposé d'une conception unitaire des fondements rationnels ou émotionnels de notre moralité, ces résultats soutiennent la vision d'un système alternatif, dynamique, dans lequel des processus affectifs automatiques et rationnels contrôlés s'opposent pour générer un jugement/ décision moral(e) dépendant(e) du contexte.…”
Section: Lien Entre Morale Et Fonctionnement Cérébralunclassified
“…La colère face à l'iniquité n'a plus guidé leurs choix. Ces deux expériences ont donc sérieusement remis en question le modèle dual de Greene et ont apporté du relief au modèle proposé par J. Moll qui synthétise des travaux dépassant le cadre de la cognition morale [14] 1 .…”
Section: Revuesunclassified