-Objective: To analyze the spontaneous recovery of the verbal language on patients who have had an ischemic stroke. Method: Retrospective analysis of 513 medical records. We characterize referring aspects for data identification, language deficit, spontaneous recovery and speech therapy. Results: The average age was 62.2 years old (SD= ±12.3), the average time of academic experience was 4.5 years (SD=±3.9), 245 (47.7%) patients presented language disturbance, 166 (54.0%) presented spontaneous recovery, from which 145 (47.2%) had expression deficit (p=0.001); 12 (3.9%) had comprehension deficit and 9 (2.9%) had both expression and comprehension deficit. Speech therapy was carried with 15 patients (4.8%) (p=0.001). Conclusion: The verbal language spontaneous recovery occurred in most of the patients being taken care of at the stroke out clinic, and expression disturbance was the most identified alteration. As expected, the left hemisphere was associated with the deficit and smoking and pregressive stroke were the language alteration primary associated factors.KEY WORDS: aphasia, language, stroke, neuronal plasticity.
Recuperação espontânea da linguagem verbal após acidente cerebrovascular isquêmicoResumo -Objetivo: Analisar a recuperação espontânea da linguagem verbal em pacientes que sofreram acidente cerebrovascular isquêmico (AVCI). Método: Análise retrospectiva de 513 prontuários. Caracterizamos aspectos referentes aos dados de identificação, déficit de linguagem, recuperação espontânea, realização de tratamento fonoaudiológico. Resultados: A média de idade foi 62,2 anos (DP=±12,3), o nível de escolaridade teve média de 4,5 anos (DP=±3,9), 245 (47,7%) pacientes apresentaram alteração de linguagem, 166 (54,0%) apresentaram recuperação espontânea sendo 145 (47,2%) do déficit de expressão (p=0,001), 12 (3,9%) de compreensão e 9 (2,9%) misto. A realização de tratamento fonoaudiológico foi encontrada em 15 (4,8%) (p=0,001). Conclusão: A recuperação espontânea da linguagem verbal ocorreu na maioria dos pacientes atendidos no ambulatório de AVCI e a alteração mais encontrada foi de expressão. Como esperado o hemisfério esquerdo associou-se ao déficit, sendo o tabagismo e AVC pregresso fatores preditores de alteração de linguagem. Cerebrovascular disease is responsible for one third of adult's deaths in Brazil, about 125,000 Brazilians suffer a new stroke or present a new recurrent condition every year. It occurs more frequently on individuals above 85 years of age and the occurrence on people below 45 years of age comprises around 10% to 20% of the cases [1][2][3][4] . Among the most frequent stroke aftermath, there is the aphasia, characterized by language disturbance that causes a loss of expression and/or oral and written comprehension, varying from type, level and lesion extension. It occurs in 20% to 30% of the stroke cases and it brings the patient and his caregiver great suffering, resulting from the alterations that affect the communication and life style 5,6 . The aphasias are sorted in expressive, ...