“…The clinical symptoms observed in botulinum toxin poisoned man and animals, how ever, strongly suggest involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) as well. Laboratory evidence for the ability of the toxin (a protein molecule of about 150,000 daltons) to penetrate the blood-brain barrier is for the most part contradictory [Simpson, 1971], Not only is there disagreement on this subject among those working in the field but occasionally the same investigators present data contradictory to their previous conclusions [Bo roff and D as G upta, 1971]. Reports describing histological lesions in the CNS due to botulinum toxin were found lacking convincing evidence [Dickson and Shevky, 1923;W right, 1955], and the presently accepted view is that the lesions produced by the toxin are biochemical rather than anatomical [Cowdry and N icholson, 1924].…”