This hybrid edited collection embodies the experience of living in liminal spaces, containing as it does between its covers, both academic essays grounded in critical inquiry as well story-chapters that employ a variety of creative writing genres. With potential to appeal to an academic reader and scholar of migration, its objective is also to be equally accessible to a more mainstream readership, particularly if they have a general interest in migration stories and issues. In addition to exploring some of the key trajectories and tropes that pertain to the migration experience, the volume also goes behind the scenes to tell the story of the workshopping process that the StOries Project journey was for its participants. One of its objectives is to show the reader how the project led to the birthing of the twenty creative writing chapters this volume contains.This edited volume then, emerged specifically from a fusion of scholarly inquiry and creative writing that participants (also its contributing authors) engaged with. In this first chapter, several key contexts, themes, and approaches that pertain to migration are discussed; significant related concepts are organised by the editors in thematic categories.Finally, in this introductory chapter, we also discuss recent developments in the respective migration trajectories, including identifying gaps in migration theory and methodology that we feel creative writing can contribute towards addressing. The significance of amplifying personal voices and unique stories is reiterated through sharing examples from the 20 stories collected in this volume.