The style of leadership is important to organizational job performance. This study intends to investigate the leading style of leadership, which has a greater impacts on organizational job performance. It also studies the relationship between four common leadership styles including democratic, autocratic, charismatic, and transformational leadership on the organizational job performance in public sector organizations. The data was collected by using quantitative methods and the result was obtained upon 90 respondents. The findings indicate a significant relationship between charismatic leadership, transformational leadership, and organizational job performance. However, democratic leadership was found to have an insignificant but positive relationship with organizational performance. Autocratic leadership is also found to have a negative and insignificant relationship with organizational job performance as employees have the least saying and leaders using coercion and enforce their decision on employees without their participation. The study also indicated that charismatic leadership has the most effective effects on organizational job performance followed by the transformational leadership style. Democratic leadership has the least contribution to organizational job performance. This study helps public sector organizations in Kurdistan Region to enhance productivity, satisfaction, and commitment of the employees that together maintain organizational job performances.