The article describes the developed new digital hierarchical model of lumpiness of blasted rocks. It is based on a combination of classes of pieces of rock by size, taken as hierarchical levels of lumpiness of rocks, and the percentage of pieces in classes, adopted for its numerical characteristics. 7 classes of rocks by size are considered, each of which is characterized by the content of its pieces. The key component of the proposed model -the granulometric composition of the blasted rocks is determined by the block mass of the rocks, the size of the zones of intense crushing, the volume of crushed rocks due to the action of stress waves and reflected waves (I stage of explosion), detonation products (swelling effect of the explosion) (II stage of explosion), and collisions of large pieces when moving (III stage of explosion). The regularities of the formation of these explosion results are established depending on the different combination of the physicomechanical properties of the rocks of the massif, the chemophysical characteristics of the explosive used, the parameters of the explosives and the explosive method.