We prove the rationality, the functional equations and calculate the radii of convergence of the Nielsen and the Reidemeister zeta functions of continuous maps on infra-solvmanifolds of type (R). We find a connection between the Reidemeister and Nielsen zeta functions and the Reidemeister torsions of the corresponding mapping tori. We show that if the Reidemeister zeta function is defined for a homeomorphism on an infra-solvmanifold of type (R), then this manifold is an infra-nilmanifold. We also prove that a map on an infra-solvmanifold of type (R) induced by an affine map minimizes the topological entropy in its homotopy class and it has a rational Artin-Mazur zeta function. Finally we prove the Gauss congruences for the Reidemeister and Nielsen numbers of any map on an infra-solvmanifolds of type (R) whenever all the Reidemeister numbers of iterates of the map are finite. Our main technical tool is the averaging formulas for the Lefschetz, the Nielsen and the Reidemeister numbers on infra-solvmanifolds of type (R).