While engagement with the Nigerian diaspora has focused on attractinginvestment and remittances, recently, attention has also shifted to its contributionto the development of higher education. The descriptive andqualitative study on which this article is based drew on secondary datathat was analysed through content analysis. The findings revealed that acombination of factors motivated Nigerians, including intellectuals, toemigrate, particularly in the 1980s and 1990s. This compounded existingproblems in Nigeria’s higher education sector. Since 1999, successive governmentshave engaged the diaspora in national development, includinghigher education. The study found that through the Linkages with Expertsand Academics in the Diaspora Scheme, the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme’s Transfer of Knowledge Through Expatriate Nationals, andthe World Bank assisted Nelson Mandela Institution, known as the AfricanUniversity of Science and Technology, as well as alumni associations inthe diaspora, Nigerian diaspora academics have been returning home totransfer knowledge in universities. Other contributions include projects,donations, and programmes. However, several challenges constrain thetapping of their full potential. The article recommends that the Nigeriangovernment should create an enabling environment, ensure clarity ofexpectations, provide adequate funding and adopt long-term approaches toengage with the Nigerian academic diaspora.
Key Words: Nigerian diaspora, higher education, brain-drain, brain-gain,knowledge transfer