F p , a number that tends to be quite easy to calculate. Our results are complete when G has a p-Sylow subgroup P in which every element of order p is central. Using the Benson-Carlson duality, we show that in this case, d 0 (G) = d 0 (P ) = e(P ), and a similar exact formula holds for d 1 . As a bonus, we learn that H e(G) (P ) contains nontrivial essential cohomology, reproving and sharpening a theorem of Adem and Karagueuzian.In general, we are able to show that d 0 (G) max{e(C G (V )) | V < G} if certain cases of Benson's Regularity Conjecture hold. In particular, this inequality holds for all groups such that the difference between the p-rank of G and the depth of H * (G) is at most 2. When we look at examples with p = 2, we learn that d 0 (G) 14 for all groups with 2-Sylow subgroup of order up to 64, with equality realized when G = SU(3, 4).