A B S T R A C T The present investigation was intended to evaluate myocardial inert gas desaturation curves for manifestations of heterogeneous coronary perfusion. The test gas was hydrogen (H2) and blood H, analyses were performed with a gas chromatograph capable of detecting small but prolonged venous-arterial H2 differences produced bv areas of reduced flow. Curves were initially obtained after 4-min left ventricular infusions of H11-saturated saline in six patients with arteriographically proven coronary artery disease, three patients with normal coronary arteries, and nine closed-chest dogs. The dogs were studied before and after embolic occlusion of a portion of the left coronary artery. Although the slopes of their semilogarithmically plotted venous desaturation curves varied with time before embolization, they showed more distinct deviations from single exponentials after embolization (after H2 concentrations had fallen below 15% of their initial values). The human curves divided similarly, those from coronary artery patients deviating appreciably from single exponentials. A similar separation wlas also evident in studies of coronary venous-arterial H2 differences after 20 min of breathing 2%11 H; data were obtained in four dogs before and after coronary embolization, and in three normal patients, and five patients with coronary artery disease. Additional data indicated that the This work was presented in part at the 40th Annual