Abstract. The surface response for charge exchange (p, n) and (3He, T) reactions is studied in the A-region using the semi-infinite slab model. The contribution to the total response from different decay channels, (NN, Nzr, re), is calculated. These decay channels corresponds to the exclusive channels, (pp, pTr +, rr+), measured in recent (p, n) and (3He, T) experiments. The in-medium properties of the A-resonance is taken into account by using microscopic calculations of the A-width in nuclear matter. From the A-width in nuclear matter a non-local imaginary A-potential, as well as a local potential, is constructed for the semi-infinite slab model. The results in the semi-infinite slab model gives a qualitative understanding of the exclusive experiments. The exclusive (NN, N~, ~) channels are more sensitive, than the total response, to g'-correlation parameters, A-width and the absorption function used at the external vertex. Our calculations suggest low values of the g'-correlation parameters g)~ and g2A, (~ 0.3). The results with the A-width represented as a non-local or a local A-potential are very similar, with only minor differences in the exclusive channels.