The reaction dynamics of ground-state atomic oxygen ͓O( 3 P)͔ with allyl radicals (C 3 H 5 ) has been investigated by applying a combination of crossed beams and laser induced fluorescence techniques. The reactants O( 3 P) and C 3 H 5 were produced by the photodissociation of NO 2 and the supersonic flash pyrolysis of precursor allyl iodide, respectively. A new exothermic channel of O( 3 P) ϩC 3 H 5 →C 3 H 4 ϩOH was observed and the nascent internal state distributions of the product OH (X 2 ⌸:Љϭ0,1) showed substantial bimodal internal excitations of the low-and high-NЉ components without ⌳-doublet and spin-orbit propensities in the ground and first excited vibrational states. With the aid of the CBS-QB3 level of ab initio theory and Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus calculations, it is predicted that on the lowest doublet potential energy surface the major reaction channel of O( 3 P) with C 3 H 5 is the formation of acrolein (CH 2 CHCHO)ϩH, which is consistent with the previous bulk kinetic experiments performed by Gutman et al. ͓J. Phys. Chem. 94, 3652 ͑1990͔͒. The counterpart C 3 H 4 of the probed OH product in the title reaction is calculated to be allene after taking into account the factors of reaction enthalpy, barrier height and the number of intermediates involved along the reaction pathway. On the basis of population analyses and comparison with prior calculations, the statistical picture is not suitable to describe the reactive atom-radical scattering processes, and the dynamics of the title reaction is believed to proceed through two competing dynamical pathways. The major low NЉ-components with significant vibrational excitation may be described by the direct abstraction process, while the minor but extraordinarily hot rotational distribution of high NЉ-components implies that some fraction of reactants is sampled to proceed through the indirect short-lived addition-complex forming process.