Change and local spatial variation are missing in canonical General Relativity's observables as usually defined, an aspect of the problem of time. Definitions can be tested using equivalent formulations of a theory, non-gauge and gauge, because they must have equivalent observables and everything is observable in the non-gauge formulation. Taking an observable from the non-gauge formulation and finding the equivalent in the gauge formulation, one requires that the equivalent be an observable, thus constraining definitions. For massive photons, the de Broglie-Proca non-gauge formulation observable A µ is equivalent to the Stueckelberg-Utiyama gauge formulation quantity A µ + ∂ µ φ, which must therefore be an observable. To achieve that result, observables must have 0 Poisson bracket not with each first-class constraint, but with the Rosenfeld-Anderson-Bergmann-Castellani gauge generator G, a tuned sum of first-class constraints, in accord with the Pons-Salisbury-Sundermeyer definition of observables.The definition for external gauge symmetries can be tested using massive gravity, where one can install gauge freedom by parametrization with clock fields X A . The non-gauge observable g µν has the gauge equivalent X A , µ g µν X B , ν . The Poisson bracket of X A , µ g µν X B , ν with G turns out to be not 0 but a Lie derivative. This non-zero Poisson bracket refines and systematizes Kuchař's proposal to relax the 0 Poisson bracket condition with the Hamiltonian constraint. Thus observables need covariance, not invariance, in relation to external gauge symmetries.The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for massive gravity are those of General Relativity + Λ + 4 scalars, so the same definition of observables applies to General Relativity. Local fields such as g µν are observables. Thus observables change. Requiring equivalent observables for equivalent theories also recovers Hamiltonian-Lagrangian equivalence.
Problems of Time and SpaceThere has long been a problem of missing change in observables in the constrained Hamiltonian formulation of General Relativity (GR) [1][2][3][4][5]. The typical definition is that observables have 0 Poisson bracket with all first-class constraints [6][7][8][9][10]. This problem of missing change owes much to the condition {O, H 0 } = 0. There is also a problem of space: local spatial variation is excluded by the condition for observables {O, H i } = 0, pointing to global spatial integrals instead [11].The definition of observables is not uncontested. Bergmann himself offered a variety of inequivalent definitions, essentially Hamiltonian or not, local or not [6,12,13]. Here he envisaged locality: