Figure 1: A lab scene (100m 2 ) reconstructed on-the-fly. The complete scan finished within 70 minutes. Top left: the final reconstructed model by our system, which contains planar regions (polygons) and extracted meshes for separate objects, created and refined progressively in real-time by our online analysis procedure during the scan. Top right: the result of the plane/object labeling procedure, which provides the segmentation of planes and objects for the online analysis. The colors distinguish planar regions and objects by their labels in the volumetric data structure. Bottom: close-up views of the reconstructed scene.
AbstractWe propose a real-time approach for indoor scene reconstruction. It is capable of producing a ready-to-use 3D geometric model even while the user is still scanning the environment with a consumer depth camera. Our approach features explicit representations of planar regions and non-planar objects extracted from the noisy feed of the depth camera, via an online structure analysis on the dynamic, incomplete data. The structural information is incorporated into the volumetric representation of the scene, resulting in a seamless integration with KinectFusion's global data structure and an efficient implementation of the whole reconstruction process. Moreover, heuristics based on rectilinear shapes in typical indoor scenes effectively eliminate camera tracking drift and further improve reconstruction accuracy. The instantaneous feedback enabled by our on-the-fly structure analysis, including repeated object recognition, allows the user to selectively scan the scene and produce high fidelity large-scale models efficiently. We demonstrate the capability of our system with real-life examples. *