= flux of particles entering from outer boundary of layer, 1∕m 2 s G f = flux of particles crossing outer boundary of layer, 1∕m 2 s G r = flux of particles returned to surface during a time step, 1∕m 2 s G s = flux of particles entering from surface, 1∕m 2 s H lv = enthalpy of vaporization, J∕kg k B = Boltzmann's constant, m 2 kg∕s · K m W = mass of tungsten, kg N 0 = equilibrium density, at ablating surface, m −3 N 1 = density in hydrodynamic layer, m −3 N 2 = density of plasma bulk, m −3 P S = saturation pressure, Pa P 0 = ambient pressure, Pa R = specific gas constant, J∕mol · kg T s = surface temperature, K T 0 = equilibrium temperature at surface, K T 1 = temperature of backflux, K u = velocity to be divided by sound speed v 1 , m∕s V T = thermal velocity, m∕s V 0 = velocity at ablating surface, m∕s V 1 = velocity of backflux, m∕s V 2 = velocity of plasma bulk, m∕s α = Mach number β = proportionality coefficient λ = mean free path, m τ = thermal conduction parameter