Abstract. It is shown thai localization of the lowenergy isoscalav 1-strength observed in a recentindicate the presence of the 1-strength in the region 6 < Ee~ < 10, MeV which exhausts 15 and 8 percents respectively of the isoscalar energy weighted sum rule. In [1] it was suggested that the occurrence of 1-, T = 0 strength in low-energy region is probably as common a phenomenon as low-energy octupole resonance (LEOR).It is worthwhile to note that the compressional Fermidrop model (FDM) for nucleus of the radius R = ro A1/3 evaluates the energy of the isoscalar dipole mode as [2]Here the sound velocity e., expressed through the nuclear compressibility K isis the Fermi-velocity. The wave number kt-, in the frame with fixed polar axes, is found from boundary condition on the free surface [3]with Po nuclear matter saturation density.Here jl and P1 are the Bessel and Legendre functions of frst order. Eq. (4) gives kt-R = 4.4934. The resonance energy evaluated in this way through eq. (1) iswhich corresponds to the high-lying isoscalar giant dipole resonance behaviour, in good agreement with data observed on 144Sm and 2~ respectively at 24.3 =[: 0.7 and 22.6 =t= 0.2 MeV.In refs. [4][5][6] it has been shown that other compressional motions could lead to a collective isoscalar 1-, T = 0 strength which was called the squeezing mode [5] in the model of harmonic deformations of an elastic sphere with energy of the order of 70+80 A -1/3, MeV. However these results overestimate the low-energy data. In the present letter we follow a similar approach for incompressible liquid motions and we show that the fluid-dynamical method based on the Vlasov equation for collisionless kinetic regime permits to get reasonable agreement with experiments.Since the compressional modes are manifested beginning from an energy of the order ofg0 A -1/3 MeV -giant monopole energy which is the lowest compressional mode, it is natural to believe that in the energy region lower than GMR the nucleus collective dynanfics may be reasonably described in the incompressible FDM. This is confirmed by the calculations of the giant electric and magnetic quadrupole resonance energies on the ground of an incompressible FDM [7][8][9][10]. In latter calculations the existing isoscalar dipole states have been excluded due to the assumption of irrotational character of the collective velocity. However if in the excited flow there is a contribution of the solenoidal (poloidal) component then the appearance of an isoscalar 1-state becomes possible.Let us start with the linearized equations of the Fenuiliquid nuclear dynamics, based on the collisionless Vlasov equation Ouk