A cyanogen bromide fragment derived from the K88ab adhesin inhibited the hemagglutinating activity of K88 fibrillae. Smaller fragments which inhibited the adherence of K88 fibrillae to erythrocytes or to intestinal epithelial cells were obtained by digestion of K88ab fibrillae with oa-chymotrypsin. Active peptides were isolated from the digestion mixture and identified as Ser-Leu-Phe and Ala-Ile-Phe. Both tripeptides correspond to the peptide stretches Ser-148-Leu-Phe-150 and Ala-156-Ile-Phe-158, respectively, which are part of conserved regions in the primary structure of the K88 variants ab, ac, and ad. The isolated tripeptides inhibited the hemagglutinating activity of purified K88 fibrillae in the 1 to 5 ,uM range, while adherence of the fibrillae to intestinal epithelial cell brush borders was inhibited in the 10 to 50 ,uM range. Furthermore, the tripeptides were capable of eluting attached bacteria from agglutinated erythrocytes. The inhibitory activity of the isolated peptides was confirmed by testing various synthetic peptides for their ability to inhibit the interaction of the different K88 variants with various species of erythrocytes. The significance of these findings for the localization of the receptor-binding domain is discussed.K88 fibrillae are nonflagellar, filamentous adhesins found on many enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains that cause neonatal diarrhea in pigs (4). They enable the bacteria to colonize the small intestinal epithelium, which is considered to be a prerequisite for the establishment of diarrheal disease. The K88 fibrillae consist of multimers of the K88 adhesin subunit with a molecular weight of 27,500 (4). Three serological variants of K88 fibrillae have been described and designated K88ab, K88ac, and K88ad (7). The primary structure of all three proteins has been determined, showing both conserved and variable regions (5,6,12 Purification of fibrillae. K88ab, K88ac, K88ad, F41, and K99 fibrillae were isolated and purified as described previously (10).Isolation of brush borders. Brush borders were prepared from the pig intestine as described by Middeldorp and Witholt (15) and stored in 50% glycerol at -20°C.Hemagglutination inhibition test. Suspensions of washed erythrocytes (2%) in PBSM (50 mM sodium phosphate [pH 7.3] containing 0.9% NaCl and 0.5% mannose) were mixed 1:1 with various amounts of peptide fractions in the same buffer. Subsequently, 50-pl portions of these suspensions were added to serial twofold dilutions (50 ,ul) of purified fibrillae in PBSM, using polystyrene microtiter trays with V-shaped cups. After 2 h of incubation at 4°C, the trays were examined. The initial concentrations of K88ab, -ac, and -ad fibrillae used were 50, 500, and 25 [Lg/ml, respectively