The two-particle Schr ödinger operator h µ (k), k ∈ T d (where µ > 0, T d is a d-dimensional torus), associated to the Hamiltonian h of the system of two quantum particles moving on a d-dimensional lattice, is considered as a perturbation of free Hamiltonian h 0 (k) by the certain 3 d rank potential operator µv. The existence conditions of eigenvalues and virtual levels of h µ (k), are investigated in detail with respect to the particle interaction µ and total quasi-momentum k ∈ T d . KEYWORDS two-particle Hamiltonian, invariant subspace, orthogonal projector, eigenvalue, virtual level, multiplicity of virtual level. d α=1 µ α cos(p α − q α ) was investigated in [17]. Detailed spectral properties of the