“…The theoretical model, whidi was developed as part: of tfus C^'spo^kme Dr JM Walker BHn SBB Et^iaxd be cured or duninated, the sutraer must leam to c(^ wtni, or gam control over it, with help if necessary Many elderly people do cope remarkably well, and manage to mamtam a good quality of life, m spite of the presence of severe arthnhs, or other chronic painful conditions However others are unable to cope These pahents may become anxious, depressed, resentful, complam a lot, or make demands upon medical services which often cannot be met The theorehcal model (Walker et al 1989) ldenhfies a distmd role for the nurse m helpmg pahents to adapt successfully to pain and other stressors The model is based upon the concept of control, and identifies mood state, notably the presence or absence of anxiety and depression, as the mdicator of the degree of control perceived by an mdividual at any particular time It identifies a range of factors likely to influence control, indudmg acute and chronic pam, other stressful life events, informahon, past expenences, leamed coping skills and locus of control This has paved the way for a study m which coping can be measured by assessmg mood state as the dependent vanable…”