cultures. \%th G , d plants, h u t 9 in. high, were obtained; and the leaves had developed marginal smrch progressively up the s t e m for about 4 in., then extensive scorch, and then had died. The result was a sturdy looking, bushy plant on top of a stern, instead of the n o d rambling plant. Treatments A-F all showed branched main s t m at harvest, though the branches with F were of recent growth. The numbers of piants with pods on were : A, 10; B, 6; C, 10; D, KO; E, KO; F, 10; and G, 10. The average numbers of pods per culture were: A, 9 4 ; B, 3-5; C, 8.4; D, 7-6; E, 8-3; F, 8 3 ; and G, 4'1. The few pods with B, absence of boron, were remarkably plump, 80 that a good yield of peas was obtained even though ody six of the ten cultures had pods. The numbers of cultures possessing root nodules were: A, 8; B, lo; C , 9; D, 8; E, 10; F, 7; and G, 8. Some plants of all t r e a m t s but G were suffering from slight attacks of mildew. With F, the lower foliage for about 6 in. up the old main branch had died of scorch; with extreme deficiency of potassium, G. the foliage on the original stems had mostly died of scorch working progressively up the stem, and a very short, bushy dump of dark green foliage, already showing scorch of the lower leaves, had commenced to grow from the base of the stem of all the cultures.In Table 4, the summaries of results for the 14 subtables are given. Solution B (absence of boron, but otherwise identical with solution C) did not result in great depressions in yield, and it must be assumed that the large seed normally contains an appreciable amount of boron, or that the pea plant needs little. For fresh or dried shelled peas the yields were a maximum, and constant, from E-A, 5.61-44.88 p.p.m. of potassium ( A = C = D = E ) ; it may be assumed, therefore, that this is the optimum range for seed production, and that the lower portion of this range is naturally the most economic.Extreme deficiency of potassium, G, 0.28 p.p.m., caused a diminution in moisture content of the whole tops and whole plants, while absence of boron had no effect in this regard ( A = B = C = D = E =F>G); the reverse effect was noted for the moisture content of the shelled peas (G> F > -4 = C = E ; G > D = F ) . Treatment B, absence of boron, was omitted from the comparisons of this subtable because some of the cultures gave no pods or peas, and therefore statistical treatment was difficult; the italicized figure given as the mean of the available data, however, showed this moisture content to be little different from the values for all other treatments except F and G. I thank Mr J. F. Leonard for his help in these experiments. REFERENCES WOODMAN, R M. (IW). Tbe nutrition of lettuces grown as sand cultures under glass. Am. appl. Bwl. 27, 5-16. WOODMAK, R. M. (1942). The nutrition of spinach. Ann. sppl. Bwl. 29, 97-102. (With zx Text-figure)The yield data available from the author's series of investigations on vegetable nutrition in sand have been plotted against the concentmtions of the elements concerned (nitrogen, ...