Background. Aim of this study was to evaluate the role of dosed walking to improve on physical activity (PA) and the quality of life (QOL) of people after kidney transplantation. Material and methods. Analyzes the results of treatment of 57 recipients (mean age - 35 ± 9,65) donor kidney at different times of the postoperative period. Depending on the physical rehabilitation program allocated 2 groups of patients: II group - physical rehabilitation was carried out only in the first week after surgery to prevent early postoperative complications, in group I - during the year. In group III combined 30 relatively healthy people do not need an organ transplant and with a mean age 33,7 ± 8,7 years, leading a normal life, not engaged in regular recreational physical culture.Physical activity was assessed using a pedometers OMRON WalkingStyleOne HJ-152. Quality of life was assessed using a questionnaire SF36 at 1, 3, 6 and a 12 months after surgery. Results. One year after surgery in both groups compared with preoperative indicators marked improvement physical activity (PA) and the quality of life (QOL). However, in the first group indicators of PA and QOL were higher than in the second group from 50,46 to 32%, and even some items indicators PA and SF-36 is higher than in Group III, which is associated with the physical rehabilitation. Conclusions. Dosed walking is an important part of treatment and rehabilitation after kidney transplantation and allows you to increase physical activity and significantly improved quality of life due to a physical component.