If D is a countable set of positive reals, 2 ≤ n < ω, let X n (D) be the graph with the points of R n as vertices where two vertices are joined iff their distance is in D. We determine the list-chromatic number of X n (D) as much as possible.Keywords List-chromatic number · Coloring number · Graphs defined by distances · Euclidean space · Independence proofs If D is a countable set of positive numbers, then let X n (D) denote the n-dimensional D-distance graph. That is, the vertex set is R n , and two points are joined if their distance is in D.In this paper we make some remarks on List(X n (D)) for certain values of D and n, where for a graph X, Chr(X) denotes the chromatic number, Col(X) the coloring number, and List(X) the list-chromatic number of X. The inequality Chr(X) ≤ List(X) ≤ Col(X) immediately connects these notions. In general, Chr(X) and Col(X) can be far away; there are bipartite graphs with large coloring number. Namely, Col(K(κ, κ)) = κ and Col(K(κ, λ)) = κ + when κ < λ are infinite.The results of [8] show that the list-chromatic number can be close to the chromatic number and also to the coloring number, depending on the model of set theory. We determine List(X n (D)) as much as it is possible. Namely, List(X 2 (D)) = ℵ 0 always holds, List(X 3 (D)) is countable if D is finite or is a sequence converging to 0 and is ℵ 1 otherwise, ℵ 1 ≤ List(X n (D)) ≤ c (4 ≤ n < ω) and, depending on the model of set theory, can be either of the two extrema.