This article examines the interplay of generational differences, self-esteem, and online privacy concerns and how these factors shape attitudes towards Instagram. The data collected from 482 respondents have been investigated for mediation analysis based on the least squares method. Ordinary least square and regression models are used together as the method of the article. It has been determined that generation directly affects attitudes. Y generation individuals have more positive attributes towards Instagram than generation X. Similarly, generation Z has more positive Instagram attributes than generation X. The interactions between predictors are also significant. As self-esteem decreases from generation X to Y, their positive attitudes tend to increase. This is also true for the Z compared to the X. The effect of social generation difference has also been discovered for online identity-Instagram privacy concern. This effect has been detected between the “X to Z” and “Y to Z” generations. Compared to the X, the Z generation has fewer online identity-Instagram privacy concern. Therefore, while social generation differences have a direct and significant effect on the attitude towards Instagram, self-esteem and privacy concerns also play important roles as mediating variables. In the article, the “Online Privacy Concern Scale” has been revised as the “Online Identity-Instagram Privacy Concern Scale”, and the “Social Media Addiction Scale Adult Form” has been revised as the “Scale of Attitude towards Instagram”, based on validity and reliability tests.