Language barriers present a major problem in the e ectiveness of resource sharing and in common access to the resources of libraries. In this paper we present the T RANSLIB system, which consists of an integration of both new and existing multilingual information tools. T his system takes full advantage of some AI± based methods in order to provide multilingual access to library catalogues. Its main features include functionalities for searching in multiple languages, multilingual presentation of the query results, and localization of the user interface. T RANSLIB has currently been tested in existing medium± sized bibliographic databases. Evaluation results show a remarkable improvement in the search process and report high user friendliness and easy and low± cost maintenance and upgrade of the system.Today's libraries have automated their everyday transactions such as acqui± sition, cataloguing, and circulation. An automated library appears to users as an online public access catalogue (OP AC) through which they can quickly search and obtain the desired information (Leeves, 1994). Such systems support bibliographic search according to author name, title, pub± lication year, etc., and provide free text and keyword facilities. Hence, com± puter systems have replaced the librarian's role as intermediary between user and library, and expert systems that simulate this role providing general information to the user have been developed (M orris, 1992).M oreover, the application of AI to information retrieval has recently attracted the attention of information scientists. Advanced applications of natural language processing (N LP ), such as machine translation, have Final version received N ovember 1998.