To cite this version:Nathanaël Schaeffer, Philippe Cardin. LGIT, Université Joseph Fourier and CNRS, Grenoble, France Detached shear layers in a rotating container, known as Stewartson layers, become instable for a critical shear measured by a Rossby number Ro. To study the asymptotic regime at low Ekman number E, a quasigeostrophic (QG) model is developed, whose main original feature is to handle the mass conservation correctly, resulting in a divergent two-dimensional flow, and valid for any container provided that the top and bottom have finite slopes. Asymptotic scalings of the instability are deduced from the linear QG model, extending the previous analysis to large slopes (as in a sphere). For a flat container, the critical Rossby number evolves as E 3/4 and the instability may be understood as a shear instability. For a sloping container, the instability is a Rossby wave with a critical Rossby number proportional to βE 1/2 , where β is related to the slope. A numerical code of the QG model is used to determine the critical parameters for different Ekman numbers and to describe the instability at the onset for different geometries. We also investigate the asymmetry between positive and negative Ro. For flat cylindrical containers, the QG numerical results are directly compared to existing experimental data obtained by Niino & Misawa (1984) and Früh & Read (1999). We produced new experimental results of destabilisation of a Stewartson layer in a rotating spheroid, caused by the differential rotation of two disks or a central inner core which are compared to the numerical QG results obtained in a split-sphere, validating the QG model and showing its limits. For spherical shells, the experimental critical curves are compared to the ones obtained by 3D calculation of Hollerbach (2003).