The post-reionization HI 21-cm signal is an excellent candidate for precision cosmology, this however requires accurate modelling of the expected signal. Sarkar et al. (2016) have simulated the real space HI 21-cm signal, and have modelled the HI power spectrum as P HI (k) = b 2 P (k) where P (k) is the dark matter power spectrum and b(k) is a (possibly complex) scale dependent bias for which fitting formulas have been provided. This paper extends these simulations to incorporate redshift space distortion and predict the expected redshift space HI 21-cm power spectrum P s HI (k ⊥ , k ) using two different prescriptions for the HI distributions and peculiar velocities. We model P s HI (k ⊥ , k ) assuming that it is the product of P HI (k) = b 2 P (k) with a Kaiser enhancement term and a Finger of God (FoG) damping which has σ p the pair velocity dispersion as a free parameter. Considering several possibilities for the bias and the damping profile, we find that the models with a scale dependent bias and a Lorentzian damping profile best fit the simulated P