PACS 71.15. Mb, 71.27.+a, 75.20.Ck Using a rotationally invariant formulation of LDA + U, we report a successful study of the high spin (HS)/ low spin (LS) transition in low solute concentration magnesiowüstite (Mw), (Mg 1-x Fe x )O, (x < 20%), the second most abundant phase in Earth's lower mantle. The HS state crosses over smoothly to the LS state passing through an insulating mixed spins state where properties change continuously, as seen experimentally. These encouraging results indicate this method should enable first principles studies of strongly correlated iron-bearing minerals, a major class of mineral physics problems. Magnesiowüstite (Mw), (Mg 1-x Fe x )O, is believed to be the major mineral phase in Earth's lower mantle (LM) after ferrosilicate perovskite, (Mg 1-x Fe x )SiO 3 (hereafter Pv) [1]. The effect of iron incorporation on the thermodynamic and elastic properties of these minerals is a crucial issue in mineral physics. High spin to low spin (HS/LS) transitions in iron have been observed by in situ X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and Mössbauer spectroscopy from 40 to 70 GPa in Mw [2,3] and from 70 and 120 GPa in Pv [4][5][6] at room temperature. This transition is accompanied by volume reduction [3] and changes in these minerals' optical absorption spectrum. These can produce seismic velocity anomalies, variations in MgFe 2+ partitioning between Mw and Pv, changes in radiative heat conductivity, and compositional layering [2,4,7,8]. The elastic signature of this transition has now been partially explored [3], but there is still much to be quantified to pin down the effects of this spin transition on these properties. At the same time, the strongly correlated behavior of iron oxide has deterred the quantification of these changes by density functional calculations based on the local spin density (LSDA) and spin-polarized generalized gradient approximations (σ-GGA). These approaches and phenomenological models [9] produce incorrectly a metallic HS ground state and then successive spin collapses across the transition [10,11].Here we use a rotationally invariant version of the LDA + U approach implemented in the planewave pseudopotential method, where U is calculated in an internally consistent way [12]. This approach has been very successful in describing the electronic and structural properties of FeO, wüstite, under pressure [12], an antiferromagnetic insulator with a Néel temperature of 198 K. Computations were performed using the local density approximation (LDA) [13,14]. The oxygen pseudopotential was generated by the