an example, these polymers block with polythiophene and self-assemble into single-handed helical nanostructures twisted by nanofibers, showing excellent self-ordering, self-classification, and tunable photoluminescence characteristics. [4] Generally, it is noteworthy that relevant asymmetric synthesis requires a chiral bias, including one enantiomer of chiral reactant, [5] chiral catalyst, [6] chiral solvent, [7] or some suitable macroscopic or microscopic chiral field, such as stirring [8] and template. [9] Compared to traditional matter-to-matter chirality transfer based on the use of chiral reactant or catalyst, utilizing the physical light-matter interaction for enantioselective synthesis of helical polymer using CPL as the chiral source has attracted considerable interests since it is inherently chiral and has been regarded as one hypothesis for the evolution of homochirality in nature. CPL has been widely applied in asymmetric photolysis, photosynthesis of chiral organic compound as well as asymmetric polymerization to obtain optical active substance, [10] modulate the helical structure in polymers [11] and supramolecular system, [12] and regulate the chiral morphology of quantum dots and gold nanoparticles. [13] Although great advances have been obtained in CPL-triggered asymmetric photochemical reactions, the enantioselectivity obtained in most cases is ultimately limited owing to the small Kuhn anisotropy factor. In this sense, there is good motivation to find generic mechanisms to promote enantioselective light-matter interaction and photon-to-matter chirality transfer. Therefore, helical conjugated polymer is a very interesting template due to the initiation and chain propagation processes involved in their photopolymerization, which can often be mediated by different wavelengths of light. [14] Despite there are a lot of reports focusing on realizing asymmetric photopolymerization through single circularly polarized ultraviolet light (CPUV) in this field, the combination of the two chiral biases has not been explored yet.The photopolymerization of diacetylene (DA) has been widely used as model systems to study photochemical mechanism which is characterized by a variety of reaction intermediates. [15] Of particular advantage is the absence of disorder, which is always present in homogeneous solution reactions
Circularly polarized light (CPL) has attracted considerable interest since it can impart chiral bias into photochemical reactions and open up a novel opportunity for synthesizing chiral polymer materials. Despite numerous reportsdescribing the chiral induction effect with single CPL, the synergistic or competitive effect between two types of CPL-i.e., circularly polarized ultraviolet light (CPUV) for triggering asymmetric polymerization while circularly polarized visible light (CPVL) only for accelerating helical chain propagation-is rarely reported. Here, this work demonstrates that the selective regulation on the asymmetric photopolymerization can be realized by the arbitrarily coupled irradia...