In the economies of countries, regardless of their political systems, industry is a major axis intheir economic growth paths. These requirements are closely related to the technical and technical aspectof the production process, as they are also related to the spatial space in which this industry is held, inparticular the choice of the site for its production activity. As this choice has an impact on the cost of theproduct, especially the costs of transferring inputs and outputs of the production process, otherwise, theimproper choice leads to higher unit cost of the product for the consumer and affect the volume ofproduction and consumption together, and the consequent economic effects with social implications onIndividual and society. In this research, the optimal location of the industrial facility was determined whenwe have two sources of raw materials between them and the market and according to the Walter Izerdhypothesis using the CAD program to represent the graphs necessary to determine the optimal location ofthe industrial facility. This topic was addressed to its consequent life because the selection of the appropriatesite for industrial ransom must be appropriate in terms of economic feasibility, as well as these sites musttake into account their side effects on environmental pollution and develop appropriate solutions and howto get rid of these pollutants Production processes.