Os frutanos (inulina e fruto-oligossacarídeos) caracterizamse pelos enlaces β (2→1) entre as unidades de frutose com molécula terminal de frutose, glicose ou sacarose. Apresentam a estrutura linear com diferente grau de polimerização (Gp). A inulina é um composto de maior Gp, enquanto o oligofrutose e o fruto-oligossacarídeo, ambos de menor Gp, originam-se a partir da hidrólise da inulina e da transfructosilação da sacarose, respectivamente (BIEDRZYCKA;BIELECKA, 2004).O notável interesse pelos frutanos advém do fato desses compostos serem resistentes às enzimas digestivas e, portanto, não digeridos pelo organismo humano. Consequentemente, chegam ao intestino grosso intactos e são hidrolisados e fermentados pelas bactérias anaeróbicas presentes no cólon (ROBERFROID, 2007).Desta maneira, estes compostos são considerados fibras alimentares e têm impacto na indústria de alimentos devido às suas propriedades prebióticas e características tecnológicas como substituto do açúcar e da gordura, originando produtos de baixo valor calórico com características sensoriais satisfatórias (FRANCK, 2002).
AbstractThis study evaluated the use of yacon flour in the formulation of chocolate cakes by investigating its influence on the sensory quality and chromaticity of the product. The following samples were prepared and analyzed: sample P (standard cake without yacon flour), sample A (20% of yacon flour), and sample B (40% of yacon flour). The Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) was used for the sensory analysis with 15 trained panelists who evaluated 9 sensory attributes (color, crumb structure, aroma, sweet taste, chocolate flavor, residual taste, humectancy, tenderness, and overall quality). The physical analysis of the cake was made by color characterization. The data were subjected to sensory analysis of variance ANOVA and the Duncan's test for comparison between the averages, at 5% level of significance. To verify the correlations between the samples and attributes, the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was performed. In the PCA, the sum of the principal components 1 and 2 was 83.3%, i.e., the variability between the samples was explained by these two components. The results showed that the addition of 40% of yacon flour resulted in higher scores for aroma (10.16), sweet taste (7.60), chocolate flavor (10.52), tenderness (11.44), and overall quality (11.64). With regard to the attribute crumb structure, there was no significant difference between the scores of cakes P, A, and B. Regardless of the amount of yacon flour added, the sensory profile of the chocolate cakes was influenced. Particularly, the cake with the highest content of yacon flour was attributed the highest scores.