We have identified at least six EcoRI fragments of mouse DNA that encode variable-region gene sequences closely related to the mouse X light chain, MOPC-149. Two of these fragments have been cloned, and the entire nucleotide sequence of the variable-region genes encoded on each has been determined. Both genes encode closely related variable-region sequences extending from codon position 1 through position 97. Neither fragment encodes a constant-regon sequence. Although both genes are closely related, they differ from one another and from the sequence expressed in the MOPC-149 cell from which they were cloned. These few differences cluster within the complementarity-determining regions although several occur in framework sequences as well. We therefore conclude that an antibody-producing cell contains genetic information corresponding to its expressed sequence and several other closely related but silent sequences. These initial results raise the possibility that similar sets of genes might exist corresponding to each of the many subgoups already identified among mouse X light chains. If true, this would further suggest that the mouse genome might be rich enough in variable-region genes so as to encode a major portion of the variable-region repertoire.The unique pattern of antibody structure led Dreyer and Bennett (1) to propose that the constant and variable regions of the immunoglobulin light chain are encoded separately in chromosomal DNA. Their argument has been supported by the finding that there are few copies of light chain constant-region genes (2-14) and, more recently, by evidence derived directly from cloned immunoglobulin gene fragments (15,16). It has further been suggested that variable-and constant-region gene sequences are rearranged during the somatic differentiation of immunocytes so as to bring constant-and variable-region genes together (17,18). The question of whether this rearrangement of genes is essential for their expression remains unanswered. Also unanswered is the important question of how the diversity represented in immunoglobin variable regions is produced-through evolutionary or somatic mechanisms or a combination of both. Several useful models that define contending germ-line and somatic mutation hypotheses have been advanced to explain this interesting genetic phenomenon (19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31).In order to begin to distinguish between these models (the germ-line model requires many variable region genes; the somatic model, few), we have cloned (32) two closely related K variable-region genes derived from the mouse plasmacytoma, MOPC-149. We have determined the entire nucleotide sequence of the coding segments and portions of the flanking sequences of both these genes and compared them to one another and to a cloned cDNA sequence corresponding to a variable-region gene expressed in this cell line. Among other inferences we may draw from the structure of these genes, the identification of three closely related genetic sequences in a committed, ...