Articles you may be interested inOptimizing the discharge voltage in magnetron sputter deposition of high quality Al-doped ZnO thin films Structural, electrical, and optical properties of transparent conductive oxide ZnO:Al films prepared by dc magnetron reactive sputtering A study of the electrical properties and spatial distribution of the ZnO:Al ͑AZO͒ thin films prepared by dc magnetron sputtering at low deposition temperature was presented, with emphasis on the origin of the resistivity inhomogeneity across the substrate. Various growth conditions were obtained by manipulating the growth temperature T S , total pressure P T , and ion-to-neutral ratio J i / J n . The plasma characteristics such as radial ion density and floating/plasma potential distribution over the substrate were measured by Langmuir probe, while the flux and energy distribution of energetic species were estimated through Monte Carlo simulations. The crystalline, stress and electrical properties of the films were found to be strongly dependent on T S and J i / J n . Under the low J i / J n ͑Ͻ0.3͒ conditions, the T S exerted a remarkable influence on film quality. The films prepared at 90°C were highly compressed, exhibiting poor electrical properties and significant spatial distribution. High quality films with low stress and resistivity were produced at higher T S ͑200°C͒. Similarly, at lower T S ͑90°C͒, higher J i / J n ͑ϳ2͒ dramatically improved the film resistivity as well as its lateral distribution. Moreover, it indicated that the role of ion bombardment is dependent on the mechanism of dissipation of incident species. Ion bombardment is beneficial to the film growth if the energy of incident species E i is below the penetration threshold E pet ͑ϳ33 eV for ZnO͒; on the other hand, the energy subimplant mechanism would work, and the bombardment degrades the film quality when E i is over the E pet . The energetic bombardment of negative oxygen ions rather than the positives dominated the resistivity distribution of AZO films, while the nonuniform distribution of active oxygen played a secondary role which was otherwise more notable under conditions of lower T S and J i / J n .