Calculation of time of travel from tracing studies in hydrologic systems is critical to establishing pollutant arrival times from points of inflow to points outflow, calculating subsurface flow velocities, and determining other important transport parameters such as longitudinal dispersion. In addition, breakthrough curve modeling demands accurate time of travel calculations if model results are to have any realistic meaning. However, accurate time of travel calculations are very difficult for long tracer tests in which sampling schedules are not consistent, or when there are major disruptions such as may occur when adverse weather conditions cause automatic sampling equipment to fail. Long and inconsistent sampling times may be accurately converted to decimal times of travel by converting the conventionally recorded Coordinated Universal Time for sampling date and time event to a baseline time standard. By converting to a baseline time standard, all recorded dates and times are linked to the established baseline standard so that each succeeding sampling date and time are correctly determined relative to the previous sampling date and time and to the injection date and time.