Early View (EV): 1-EV was expanded upon by Richards et al. (2006), who proposed that benefi cial plasticity in functional traits could produce three general fi tness consequences. For ' general purpose ' or ' jack of all trades ' invasive species, trait plasticity results in fi tness homeostasis. In other, ' master-of-some ' species, plasticity provides a particular fi tness advantage in some, but not all environments. Th is is hypothesised to be especially true for productive environments. Some ' jack and master ' species might have fi tness homeostasis in low-productivity environments but especially high fi tness in productive environments. In a recent meta-analysis, Davidson et al. (2011) found that the functional traits of introduced species were generally more plastic than comparable native species, but that functional trait plasticity did not necessarily relate to increased fi tness or increased homeostasis. Instead, invasive plant fi tness varied more among environments than native plant fi tness.Such fi tness responses to environmental heterogeneity are sometimes taken as evidence that plasticity is adaptive for invasive species. However, adaptation along productivity gradients may produce these responses even when plasticity itself is not under selection. For example, while selection in productive environments is hypothesized to favour traits An introduced species must contend with enormous environmental variation in its introduced range. In this study, we use niche models and ordination analyses to reconstruct changes in genotype, phenotype, and climatic niche of Johnsongrass Sorghum halepense , which is regarded as one of the world ' s most threatening invasive plants. In the United States, Johnsongrass has rapidly evolved within-and among-population genetic diversity; our results show that genetic diff erentiation in expanding Johnsongrass populations has resulted in phenotypic variation that is consistent with habitat and climatic variation encountered during its expansion. Moreover, Johnsongrass expanded from agricultural to non-agricultural habitat, and now, despite occupying overlapping ranges, extant agricultural and non-agricultural populations are genetically and phenotypically distinct and manifest diff erent plastic responses when encountering environmental variation. Non-agricultural accessions are broadly distributed in climatic and geographic space and their fi tness traits demonstrate plastic responses to common garden conditions that are consistent with local specialization. In contrast, agricultural accessions demonstrate ' general purpose ' plastic responses and have more restricted climatic niches and geographic distributions. Th ey also grow much larger than non-agricultural accessions. If these diff erences are adaptive, our results suggest that adaptation to local habitat variation plays a crucial role in the ecology of this invader. Further, its success relates to its ability to succeed on dual fronts, by responding simultaneously to habitat and climate variability and by capitali...