Experimental evidence is reviewed which shows that the cell membrane is compressible by both mechanical and electrical forces. Calculations are given which show that significant changes in the thickness of cell membranes can occur as a result of (a) direct compression due to the turgor pressure; (b) indirect effects due to the stretching of the cell wail; and (c) the stresses induced by the electric field in the membrane.Such changes in the membrane thickness may provide the pressuretransducing mechanism required for osmoregulation and growth. An important feature of the model is that this pressure transduction can occur not only in the plasmalemma (where there is a pressure gradient), but also in the tonoplast.ELASTIC FORCES IN CELL MEMBRANES Transverse Stresses. The over-all compressibility and dimensional stability of a cell membrane reflects the intermolecular forces operating in this structure. Although details of the molecular architecture and forces operating are still not known, the dimensions (thickness) of the membrane must, nevertheless, reflect external forces operating on it.When turgor pressure (PT) is applied to the membrane, internal strain (restoring) forces are set up. For a membrane or membrane segment, which need not necessarily be structurally homogeneous, the mechanical restoring force (Pm), per unit area, is given byThe regulation of turgor pressure in plant cells plays a vital role in both cell growth and homeostasis. Although this has been the subject of many studies (1,2,12,14,15,17,19,25,27,29,31), the mechanisms by which turgor pressure information is sensed and utilized in osmoregulation and growth remain unknown.Some experimental studies have revealed a relationship between the turgor pressure and membrane potential and resistance as well as a regulating effect on the osmotic pressure of the cell sap and actively transported ion fluxes (13-15, 27, 29, 31, 38).If one considers the cell membrane as a compressible structure, it seems likely that elastic deformation of the membrane or segments thereof in the plane normal to the membrane might play a role in the dependence of membrane properties on turgor pressure. Dielectric breakdown measurements on plant cell membranes, and particularly, the effect of turgor pressure on dielectric breakdown, have revealed that electromechanical forces operating in the membrane can lead to a reduction in membrane thickness (9,33,34).In this communication, we present considerations of the elastic deformation of cell membranes and its possible role in the turgor-sensing mechanism of plant cells.