To conduct an integrative review of empirical studies examining factors affecting trust in the healthcare provider (HCP) relationship among adolescents.
An integrative review was conducted.
Data sources
The keywords adolescent, trust, healthcare provider and related words were searched in multiple online research databases. The results were limited to research published between 2004 and 2019. Seventeen primary sources were identified and synthesized in the final review.
Review method
Guided by the Whittemore and Knafl integrative review method, a data‐based convergent synthesis design was used to explore the key research question in both qualitative and quantitative research.
This integrative review found that health care provider behaviours, such as confidentiality, honesty, respect, and empathy, promote adolescent's trust of the HCP. Notable gaps in the literature were also identified, including a lack of diversity among adolescent samples and HCP types and underdeveloped measures of adolescent trust of HCP.
This integrative review informed the development of a new conceptual definition of adolescent trust of HCP, which embodies the key findings of the importance of HCP confidentiality, honesty, respect, and empathy. This definition can be used to develop instruments, interventions and policies that promote HCP trust among adolescents. Future research is needed to develop instruments to measure adolescents’ trust of HCPs, evaluate trust of HCPs among diverse samples of adolescents and evaluate adolescent trust of HCPs with a variety of HCP types.
The new conceptual definition of adolescent trust of HCP can be used to enhance nursing practice and design behavioural interventions to improve trust of HCP. To foster adolescent trust of HCP, policies should be enacted in healthcare institutions to explain confidentiality, provide notification of reporting mandates and formalize consent, assent and dissent for adolescents seeking health care.